

Jun 19, 2023

YouTube 2030: Predicting the Next Big Content Trends




Since its launch in 2005, YouTube has transformed from a simple video-sharing platform into a global cultural phenomenon and a dominant force in the digital landscape. Initially created as a platform for users to upload and share personal videos, YouTube quickly gained traction, providing a space for creators to express themselves, entertain, educate, and connect with audiences worldwide. Over the years, YouTube has undergone significant changes, including the introduction of features like monetization, partnerships, and advanced analytics, which have attracted a diverse range of content creators and viewers.

The ability to predict content trends on YouTube holds immense significance for various stakeholders within the platform ecosystem. For creators, anticipating the next significant trend provides a competitive edge and an opportunity to innovate, ensuring their continued relevance to their audience. Creators who are interested in buying YouTube subscribers and can adapt to evolving trends are more likely to experience sustained growth and engagement. This, in turn, can lead to increased monetization opportunities.

Viewers, on the other hand, benefit from predicted content trends as they are exposed to fresh, captivating, and relevant content that aligns with their interests. Predictive content trends enhance the viewer experience by reducing the effort required to discover new videos that resonate with their preferences. This personalized content delivery encourages higher engagement, longer watch times, and a deeper connection with the platform.

From YouTube’s perspective as a platform, accurate trend prediction translates into increased user retention and continued growth. By staying ahead of the curve, YouTube can optimize its recommendation algorithms, curating content that keeps viewers engaged, ultimately leading to higher ad revenue and overall platform success.

YouTube’s journey from a video-sharing website to a data-driven powerhouse has been marked by its sophisticated data collection and analysis capabilities. As one of the largest repositories of user-generated content, YouTube gathers vast amounts of data on user interactions, watch histories, search queries, and engagement metrics. This wealth of information enables the platform to gain deep insights into viewer preferences, content performance, and emerging trends.

The role of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in predicting content trends cannot be overstated. YouTube employs advanced algorithms that analyze patterns within the vast data sets generated by users. These algorithms can detect correlations between viewer behavior and content attributes, allowing the platform to make accurate predictions about what types of content are likely to resonate in the future.

AI-powered recommendation systems play a pivotal role in exposing users to new content aligned with their interests. By analyzing a user’s watch history, likes, and engagement, these systems suggest videos that are most likely to captivate the viewer. This not only enhances the user experience but also serves as a driving force behind the propagation of trending content.

Past trends and viewer behaviors serve as invaluable resources for predicting future content trends on YouTube. By examining the trajectory of previously successful trends, YouTube can identify underlying factors that contributed to their popularity. This analysis helps creators and the platform anticipate shifts in viewer preferences and interests.

Furthermore, understanding viewer behaviors, such as click-through rates, watch time, and sharing patterns, offers insights into content effectiveness. Creators can leverage this information to tailor their content to match what viewers are seeking. YouTube, in turn, uses this data to fine-tune its recommendation algorithms, ensuring that trending content aligns with what users are most likely to engage with.

The landscape of content on YouTube is diverse, with various formats catering to a wide range of viewer interests. Currently, dominant content formats include:

As we approach 2030, several emerging content formats are poised for substantial growth:

Viewer preferences and engagement vary across content formats, influencing trends on YouTube. For instance:

Understanding these preferences and engagement patterns is crucial for creators and YouTube itself. Creators can tailor their content to match viewer expectations, while YouTube can optimize its recommendation algorithms to deliver content that aligns with individual preferences.

Technological advancements have significantly transformed content creation on YouTube, elevating both quality and creativity:

Deepfake technology, which involves manipulating videos to replace or superimpose content using AI, poses both creative opportunities and ethical concerns:

AI-generated content has emerged as a game-changer in content creation, with both positive and challenging implications:

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As the number of objects launched into orbit grows, the EU is working to prevent debris from getting out of hand.


An upsurge in worldwide rocket and satellite launches into space means collisions are an increasing danger that EU research projects are seeking to curb.

The number of satellites in space may exceed 100 000 by 2030, according to forecasts. Small satellites are increasingly being sent into low orbits 500 to 1 000 kilometres above Earth to do everything from improve remote communications to guide driverless cars.

Collision alarm

‘There is an increasing amount of debris in space,’ said Anthony Caron, future programmes manager at a French space-observation company called Share My Space. ‘More and more debris implies more and more collision probability ­– and the problem is real now. There are lots of events where you have to perform manoeuvres to avoid collisions.’

Toulouse-based Share My Space leads a research project that received EU funding to compile the first independent catalogue of 100 000 pieces of space debris measuring under 10 centimetres. The two-year initiative, named CASSIOPEE, runs until the end of January 2024.

Organisations that launch satellites and rockets need information to avoid spacecraft collisions and currently have a limited amount to rely on besides US data, according to Caron. Such information is also important for developing largely absent rules on activities in space and preventing it from becoming a lawless frontier.

The downstream market of the Global Navigation Satellite System, or GNSS, will grow from €199 billion in 2021 to €492 billion in 2031, according to the EU.

In 2009, the first known accidental collision between two satellites presaged a potentially perilous future. The crash involving an Iridium 33 and Cosmos 2251 satellite released thousands of pieces of debris into space.

Even tiny fragments could have a catastrophic impact because they travel at about 10 times the speed of a bullet.

Crowding-out risk

Such “space junk” includes no-longer-operational spacecraft, abandoned sections – or stages – from rockets, fragments from anti-satellite missile tests and even paint flecks that have eroded from an object over time.

Caron cited a possible scenario outlined in 1978 by an American astrophysicist named Donald Kessler: with growing debris, a collision triggers a cascade of further crashes that render space useless.

‘The worst-case scenario is this Kessler syndrome where you cannot use space anymore,’ said Caron.

Fragments as tiny as 1 cm across or less are enough to knock out a satellite, according to Caron. The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration estimates there are half a million fragments of at least 1 cm and 100 million with a minimum size of 1 millimetre.

Telescope stations

Share My Space has set up its first multi-telescope station at an as-yet undisclosed location in Europe and is installing observation equipment there that the company previously tested in Paris. More stations are planned elsewhere.

The system comprises four telescopes that rotate in coordination with objects’ transit time in the field of view. Software processes data to generate collision alerts for space operators.

As the catalogue of objects expands and the detectable fragment size falls with advances in Share My Space’s technology, the ultimate aim is to be able to track items as small as about 2 cm, according to Caron.

He said the system seems to have worked well so far.

‘We are seeing objects which are known from the US catalogue while we are also seeing non-catalogued objects,’ said Caron. ‘The goal is to be able to predict their orbits based on our own observations and add this information to our catalogue.’

The raw data can then be used to gauge risk-collision probabilities as well as to help organisations trying to clean up space junk. Share My Space, for example, has signed a contract with a Japanese company – Astroscale – that is developing services for debris removal.

Rules of the game

Another EU-funded project, Stardust-R, has also been plotting a path towards a sustainable future in space. This research initiative ended in June 2023 after four and a half years.

The coordinator, Professor Massimiliano Vasile, argues for a far-reaching approach for preventing collisions even before delving deeper into debris removal.

‘You don’t just want to mitigate the risk of a collision but also have a sustainable space economy,’ said Vasile, a space-systems engineer at the University of Strathclyde in the UK.

Stardust-R developed technological tools to help optimise the commercial and scientific opportunities of space and to predict and mitigate collisions of objects.

‘The problem is increasing much faster than what people might have expected,’ said Vasile. ‘And it has grown largely unregulated, as airspace on Earth can be confined quite easily but you don’t have territorial space in space. Institutions are trying to catch up.’

He said another difficulty with space warrants better tracking: when satellites or other space vessels malfunction, it’s hard to know whether the cause was a collision with a tiny object.

In addition, big extra costs can be incurred when inaccurate information causes a spacecraft to make an unnecessary manoeuvre, according to Vasile.

Lasting impact

Aided by data from partners including the European Space Agency and France’s National Centre for Space Studies – whose involvement highlights the capacity of EU research to pool resources, foster cross-border collaboration and tap local expertise – the Stardust-R team explored a range of mitigation instruments.

These included an artificial-intelligence system to forecast when spacecraft need to manoeuvre. This was tested on past actual scenarios and on made-up ones.

‘In these scenarios, we know that the algorithm is working because it responded with manoeuvres that avoided a collision,’ said Vasile.

Stardust-R also produced computational models for tracking the likelihood of collisions and the origin of debris. Furthermore, it looked at ways to use lasers for removing debris and algorithms and artificial vision in robots for conducting in-orbit repairs or satellite removal.

Vasile is counting on the work of Stardust-R researchers to have an impact long after the project.

‘My hope is that some of these technologies are adopted in the future,’ he said. ‘We need more investment and development, but I think we’re on the right track.’

Research in this article was funded by the EU via the European Innovation Council (EIC) and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). This article was originally published in Horizon, the EU Research and Innovation Magazine.




In the early hours of Friday morning, state space agency Roscosmos launched the country’s first lunar mission in nearly half a century as an ambitious play in the scramble to build a base on the moon, writes POLITICO.

“If they pull it off, it will be a massive technological and scientific achievement,” said Tim Marshall, author of “The Future of Geography” on the geopolitics of space. He argues a successful Russian landing, and fruitful year of research, would mark a big step forward in plans to build a moon base with China by the 2030s.

Russia’s Luna-25 mission is being dispatched to scope out the Lunar south pole, where scientists believe there’s a plentiful supply of water locked in ice in the perpetual shade of mountain ridges.

Simply successfully landing a spacecraft on the rocky Lunar south pole — which would be a first in itself — would also prove to Beijing that Moscow still has something to offer when it comes to cutting-edge aerospace technology. The two countries have already pledged to work together to build a moon base by the 2030s, but Beijing is the clear leader these days.

“I don’t think that a lot of people at this point would say that Russia is actually ready to be landing cosmonauts on the moon in the timeframe that we’re talking about,” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said during a panel in response to Luna-25.




Details are emerging about the protective magnetic field that’s key to sustaining life.


At the centre of Earth is a vast ball of metal, the planet’s core. While unreachable without the help of Jules Verne, it can be studied and plays a vital role for the world.

The iron-nickel interior generates a magnetic field that protects the planet from harmful radiation and allows life to flourish. Exactly how this magnetic field is created, and whether it is the same on other worlds, are open questions.

Iron oceans

New research is revealing more about planetary cores and magnetic fields than ever before – and hinting at changes that take place 3 000 kilometres under people’s feet.

Earth has a solid inner core about 1 200 km across, surrounded by a liquid iron outer core that extends another 2 200 km. In the outer core, as the liquid metal circulates it generates a magnetic field.

‘We’re trying to understand the dynamics of the big iron oceans that are present in planets like Earth,’ said Michael Le Bars of the French National Centre for Scientific Research, or CNRS. ‘The flow in there is responsible for the magnetic field of the planets. And this magnetic field is one of the key ingredients for life.’

Le Bars studied these matters as part of a European project that received EU funding to spur advances in the field including through laboratory experiments. Called FLUDYCO, the initiative ran from mid-2016 until end-2021.

In labs, Le Bars and his team injected dye into a water-filled rubber ball and then rotated it to deform the sphere, simulating tidal distortions in Earth’s core.

They also popped a balloon containing a liquid metal called Galinstan inside water to simulate the formation of a planetary core. Finally, the researchers tracked the interaction of lower and higher density water to study the convection and turbulence of an outer core.

The team found that there were three ways to drive circulation inside a liquid iron core.

Worldly ways

The first was by metallic iron swirling in the outer core. This process, called convection, results from the cooling and solidifying of the planet’s core.

Another method was tidal forces caused by the gravitational push and pull of a nearby object – perhaps like the magnetic moon Ganymede, which orbits Jupiter and is named after a Trojan prince in Greek mythology.

The third involved crystals of solidified iron forming in the liquid outer core and driving the circulation, a reverse of the solidification happening in Earth’s core.

‘It’s snowing iron ice crystals towards the inside and mixing the fluid,’ Le Bars, Marseille-based director of research at CNRS, said of the third method. ‘It’s a very strange process.’

What remains unclear is exactly which worlds would have which method to produce their metallic fields or whether other processes might be involved for gas giants like Jupiter.

‘Each planet seems to be different,’ said Le Bars. ‘We don’t know if Ganymede’s core is convecting or snowing.’

A European spacecraft launched in April 2023 and due to reach Jupiter in 2031 will orbit Ganymede and could produce revelations about its core, perhaps helping to ascertain how worlds like this generate a magnetic field.

In Earth’s solar system, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune also have substantial magnetic fields.

Orbit observation

Another way to investigate planetary cores is to make indirect measurements of them.

An EU-funded project called CoreSat has been doing this from orbit by using three European Space Agency satellites that study changes in Earth’s magnetic field.

The initiative, due to wrap up in August 2023 after five and a half years, is led by Chris Finlay of the National Space Institute at the Technical University of Denmark near Copenhagen.

Earth’s magnetic field can strengthen and weaken, altering its structure including the locations of the magnetic poles by tens of kilometres a year, or sometimes even flip in polarity entirely – something thought to happen every few 100 000 years or so.

Finlay says the satellites are showing how the magnetic field is changing.

Using data from the satellites, Finlay and his colleagues have been seeking a clearer picture of the magnetic field at the boundary between Earth’s lower mantle and the outer core.

Magnetic signal

A major difficulty has been picking out the magnetic field signal from the core among the other magnetic fields produced at and above Earth’s surface.

One technique has been to monitor Earth’s upper atmosphere and its aurora at the poles and identify a cleaner signature of changes in the core’s magnetic field.

The goal is to have systems that can predict how the magnetic field is going to change over the coming decades, according to Finlay.

‘It’s been challenging,’ he said. ‘We’d like to do something like in weather forecasting, where they have models of the general circulation of the atmosphere and make forecasts.’

Studying changes in the core’s magnetic field is important for understanding the habitability of Earth and other worlds.

Nowhere are these changes more noticeable than in the South Atlantic region.

Underground hurricanes

Off the coast of South America, Earth’s magnetic field weakens more than 50%.

While the cause of this phenomenon known as the South Atlantic Anomaly is unknown, projects like CoreSat are providing additional information.

‘We’ve been able to see more details,’ Finlay said. ‘We’re still working on it.’

It appears that, down at the boundary of the core and mantle underneath the anomaly, the magnetic field is reversed.

That could be a sign of weather-like systems in the outer core caused by temperature differences and the rotation of the planet.

‘In the same way you get cyclones and hurricanes in the atmosphere, we also have that happening in Earth’s core,’ said Finlay. ‘This organises the convections into large circulations in the outer core.’

That said, the swirling inside Earth occurs at much slower speeds – 20 km a year compared with wind velocities of up to 250 km an hour in hurricanes.

Even with the advances in research, there is much still to learn about planetary interiors and the implications are broad.

‘Today we are looking at other planets to find life on them,’ said Le Bars of CNRS. ‘To have life, you need a magnetic field to protect the planet.’

This article was originally published in Horizon, the EU Research and Innovation Magazine.

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Vlogs:Tutorials and How-Tos:Gaming Videos:Entertainment and Comedy:Virtual Reality (VR):Interactive Storytelling:Live Streaming:Educational Animations:Collision alarmCrowding-out riskTelescope stationsRules of the gameLasting impactIron oceansWorldly waysOrbit observationMagnetic signalUnderground hurricanes5.005.00